Hey there, world!

I’m trying this for the first time: blogging, from my phone! My lifestyle recently became a whole lot more mobile, and I’m still trying to find the best tools for the job, so to speak.

A couple of months ago, I got hired at an airline, and I’m a little drunk on the travel opportunities. I have an unofficial goal of making it to all 71 of our destinations, but honestly, I’m stoked to see anything I can.

I don’t have any vacation time, so I’m planning to travel as many places as I can on weekends. I met this guy Brent last year who is amazing and does 24-hour trips all over the place. He told me 24 hours is just right. You don’t need a hotel since you won’t be sleeping, and you don’t need a suitcase since you won’t need a change of clothes.

I’m lucky to have friends in all sorts of places, so I’ll try and stay a little longer than just 24 hours. So far I’ve done quickie trips to Montreal, Kelowna and New York City. This weekend: Vancouver to visit my friend Lisa!

This trip, I’ve abandoned my well-loved MEC weekend backpack for a Puddle Jumper Lug tote recommended by a friend. Everything fits, but we’ll see how it holds up after a weekend of being dragged around all over Vancouver!

On the agenda: delivering Lisa’s Christmas present, tea shopping at Murchie’s, and running in the rain. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Where do you think I should go next?
